May is for Mac Daddy

May is for Mac Daddy!

This handsome devil is our own Mac Daddy.... but he didn't always live the sweet life. This handsome quarter horse was one of the horses seized by the Sheriff's Office in 2020 from a reported situation in which he was both starved and brutally abused by someone claiming to be a farrier in order to take in horses under the pretense of being an equine professional. One of the horses he was housed with had to be euthanized due to the severity of his injuries. Mac Daddy was emaciated and neglected. He had been horrifically abused, causing him to become extremely head shy and he did not like people. Now, after four years of love, attention and proper care, he is an healthy, happy boy with well-developed muscles and an affinity for our staff. Mac will respond to both verbal commands and hand signals, is confident enough to express himself and perks up when he sees his favorite volunteers come in to the barn- he will even give head hugs, which melts our hearts given how much he hated having his head touched when he first arrived at LCAR. He is also one of the participants in our disability program, and will be available to meet at our next open house. If you want to come see for yourself, please message us and we will send you the details!

Each month our featured items generate a 25% donation to the LCAR gift fund. This fund goes directly to our horses and this month will include treats and goodies meant to remind horses like Mac that they will never go hungry again. 

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